

Getting Started 👋

You can use Datablist without signin up. Your data will stay in your browser storage and will not be send to the cloud.

Already have an account? Please log in.
Or create an account to sync your data in the cloud and invite users.

Remember the basics

Press Enter on a cell to edit its content
Click and drag to select multiple items
Ctrl+k to move between collections
Ctrl+f to search inside a collection

Blazing fast and keyboard friendly

This is for all the keyboard shortcut addicts:

  • Cmd + k
    Search and jump to a collection
  • C
    In a collection, press 'C' to create a new item
  • P
    In a collection, press 'P' to create a new property
  • N
    Press 'N' to create a new collection
  • Space
    On a cell, press 'Space' to open the item detail
  • Escape
    On an open drawer or modal, press escape to close it

For data table manipulation:

  • Shift + ↓/↑
    Select items
  • Ctrl/Cmd(Mac)/Meta(Window) + ↓/↑/→/←
    To move to end of table